CHEM 11200. GENERAL CHEMISTRY II Fundamental facts, concepts, and theories central to chemistry are examined. The topics include VSEPR, valence bond, and molecular orbital theories, intermolecular forces, solutions and colligative properties, chemical kinetics, reaction mechanisms, equilibria (chemical, acid-base, aqueous, ionic), thermodynamics (enthalpy, entropy, free energy), and electrochemistry. The laboratory focuses on fundamental techniques, data manipulation, notebook and reporting skills. Three class hours and one three-hour laboratory period per week. [MNS, Q, QL]
- Giáo viên: Becky Craig
- Giáo viên: Karl Feierabend
- Giáo viên: Zack Matesich
- Giáo viên: Mark Snider
- Giáo viên: Sarah Sobeck
- Teaching Assistant: Eran Maina